Nature's Flu Vaccine
It's here, the dreaded Flu season and the media hype to get your flu shot. I want to discuss natural ways to build your immune system and promote health in your family.
First off, does the flu shot really work? The following is quoted from
"Flu Vaccine Effectiveness: From Zero to LowAfter studying influenza infections during 2012-2013 in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington and Pennsylvania, U.S. public health officials reported in 2015 that flu vaccine effectiveness was quite low: between 39 percent and 66 percent, depending upon the influenza strain. Here is what else they learned:For adults over age 65 years, vaccine effectiveness was close to ZERO.There was “unexpectedly low vaccine effectiveness for the influenza A strain among older children compared to other age groups,” especially for those who had gotten previous annual flu shots. Health officials also found that unvaccinated people were more likely to report their general health status as “excellent” compared to vaccinated people.In January 2016, U.S. government officials finally publicly admitted that flu vaccines are only 50 to 60 percent effective at preventing lab confirmed influenza requiring medical care in most years. In fact, a CDC analysis of flu vaccine effectiveness for the past decade – from 2005 to 2015 - demonstrated that more than half the time, seasonal flu shots are less than 50 percent effective!"

Now is the time to build up your immune system, to work as it was designed to!
1. Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to improve immune system function in patients of all ages. Improved neurological communication improves the immune system.
2. Vitamin D3 supplementation especially in the winter months is critical to improve immune system function. Adults should be taking at least 5000 IU's per day. We recommend Metagenics D3 5000 in our practice. Children need D3 as well, we use Nordic Naturals D3 gummies which supply 1000 IU's per gummy. Kids can take up to 4 of these per day. THIS IS A MUST to build the immune system!
3. Zinc is great for helping build the immune system. We should be taking 15mg per day for prevention and may take up to 200mg per day if symptoms appear.
4. Omega 3 supplementation is also imperative for a healthy immune system. I prefer doTerra's xEO mega fish oil. Nordic Naturals has great options for children from gummy fish oils to small chewable gel caps. Adults should take no less than 1000mg per day and children at least 600mg per day.
5. Colloidal silver is also effective as a preventative and acute measure to boost immune system function. We use Argentyn 23 in our office. Colloidal silver has both anti bacteria and anti viral components. This is in our healthy supplement pantry all year long.
6. Essential oils have helped our family and will help yours. During the winter months diffuse OnGuard in you home and office to improve your immune system.
7. Vitamin C supplements also improve immune system function. 1000mg per day can be taken by adults. 500mg per day for children. Fat soluble vitamin C, also called liposomal vitamin C is the most absorbable product on the market besides a vitamin C injection. Lypo-spheric vitamin C is what we recommend in the office.
Diet is an essential part of health. You can sabotage your health even if you take the recommended supplements. If you diet is high in processed foods, sugar, artificial sweetener, simple carbohydrates, and alcohol this will suppress the immune system. This also severely affects gut health which is key to immune system function. Read my previous blog posts on GI health conditions.
Take these steps NOW to improve your family's health!